WinSFA Senate Elections

Each year the WinSFA Senate holds its Annual General Meeting at Keycon, open to all convention registrants, and at this AGM we hold an “Election from the Floor”. By doing this we offer an opportunity for two convention members to be elected to the Senate for a 1 year term, so they may have an opportunity to participate in Senate meetings, put forth their ideas and have a hand in the ‘backstage’ processes that contribute to Keycon and other fandom activities. At the end of their term they are given an opportunity to report back to the convention attendance about their experience and thoughts about the Senate and its work.

New members of WinSFA Senate (including “Senate Elects”) are encouraged to review the New Senator Information Package.

All KeyCon members are encouraged to attend the AGM, participate in the election (nominate, vote, etc.) and to encourage their friends to attend as well. Please check your program book and come out to lend your voice to the process. In this aspect – as in all other regards to running KeyCon, – volunteers are a vital commodity and in fact are the lifeblood of the convention and other fandom activities.